21 Best Affirmations On Body Positivity

In the fast-paced state we live in, days merge into one another in a never ending rush of negativity, selfdoubt and stress. Today we shall discuss affirmations as a layman and share 21 Best Affirmations On Body Positivity that one can practice in our daily lives.

Understanding Affirmations:

An affirmation is a positive phrase that one repeats to oneself in order to develop a mindset of positivity. These statements are supposed to counteract self-defeating and negative thinking thoughts. Although they may seem to be rather simple, they can have a powerful effect on your mental health.

The power of affirmations stems from their ease and availability. They are a means that is made available to anyone, irrespective of age, race, and cultural orientation. Affirmation has been shown to help in developing self-confidence, reducing stress levels, and promoting wellbeing.

21 Best Affirmations On Body Positivity

1-5 Affirmations On Body Positivity
  1. I appreciate the specialities of my body that make it unique.
  2. My body is a measure of strength, endurance and beauty.
  3. I cherish and adore every fold, mark, and aspect of me that makes me.
  4. I prefer to stress on what my body can do instead of how it looks.
  5. My beauty does not mean based on the standards of society; I am my own beauty.
Affirmations On Body Positivity- Self Acceptance
Image Credit: Pexels – Anna Shvets
6-15 Affirmations On Body Positivity

6. My Body is fed with love, respect and healthy choices.
7. Even my imperfections should remain acceptable to me.
8. I free myself of perfection and cherish the charm in my imperfections.
9. My body is special and should be treated with sensitivity.
10. I am very happy with the progress that has taken place in my life as far as body confidence is concerned.

11. My confidence emanates, and it permeates all aspects of my life.
12. I decide to put on something that makes me feel happy and confident with myself.
13. My body is the art of my life, I love the masterpiece that it holds.
14. I am more than just my outside appearance; the true beauty that lies within me is what makes me beautiful.
15. I stand erect and confident, having recognized my power in the straightness of my physical form.

16-21 Affirmations On Body Positivity

16. I let go of the comparison trap and concentrate on my own journey to self-acceptance.
17. My body need love, respect and care : I give it gladly.
18. I am worthy of love and acceptance at this stage.
19. I dismiss negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations.
20. I am surrounded by people who believe and that is why they appreciate my authentic self.
21. I am in a process of self- realization, and my body is an essential element of this process.

In a world full of challenges, positive affirmations shine as the light amidst the darkness to guide us through turbulent times. The goal of this simple yet potent practice is to instill a sense of power within you and therefore enable you to shape an optimistic and rewarding life. 

These statements are supposed to counteract self-defeating and negative thinking thoughts. Although they may seem to be rather simple, they can have a powerful effect on your mental health.Try it, welcome the positive changes, and see how Affirmations On Body Positivity can change your mindset as you head towards a brighter future.