Survivorship bias is a cognitive canvas that we don’t always notice but that affects our judgement of the results, causing inadequate decisions and analysis. It happens when we selectively pay attention to what has remained after the passing of the other elements and at the expense of the ones that did not make it through a certain process or experience. This distortion constitutes an important bias that can critically alter many aspects of business, finance, historical analysis, and scientific research.
What is Survivorship Bias?

Why Survivorship Bias Matters ?
The phenomenon of the survivorship bias, which is also called survival bias or selection bias, emerges when we assess the situation based on the sample that was picked out only from those who successfully passed a certain event or selection process. This frequently causes the overestimation of the odds for success or positive results, as the deaths or non-survivors aren’t considered during the analysis.
Bias of the survivorship can play an important role due to the fact that it can cause errors, poor strategies and incorrect decision making. When we look only at survivors, it is highly likely that we may overlook important pieces of knowledge, which may seem to be vital factors, and miss the clue of how to be successful in similar situations. Besides in many contexts, knowing about failure is also of the same importance as knowing success for a comprehensive and authentic view.

Survivorship Bias Examples
1. Historical Aircraft Analysis:
– During World War II, the Aircraft that came back from missions where they were most shot at were analyzed in order to strengthen those areas with bullet holes. The problem with the plan is that the analysis left out the planes that didn’t come back, those lost in critical areas.
2. Investment and Stock Market:2. Investment and Stock Market:
– The study of successful investors or a high-performing stock without considering those that failed is a risk of receiving poor investment approaches. Failing to take into account unsuccessful outputs may be misleading as regards the possibility of success.
3. Career Success Stories:
– The blueprint will only reproduce the glamorous side of a profession and will at some point lead to unrealistic expectations of success and beauty. There are some factors, such as luck and situational externalities, which are beyond our control, that have a huge impact on final career success. Success stories of college and university dropouts.
How to Prevent Survivorship Bias ?
1. Include All Data:
– Make certain your analysis encompasses both failures and successes. Explore the entire dataset before focusing on the survivors.
2. Study Failures:
– Seek actively and closely study cases of failure and non-survival. Knowing the reasons, why some components failed to work, might be as beneficial as observing the reason of their success.
3. Random Sampling:
– While executing research and analysis, random sampling should be used to minimizing the effect of selection bias.

4. Awareness and Education:
– Call the attention of stakeholders to the survivorship bias and its propensity to infuence decision-making. Education can actually lead to the development of a more sophisticated and less prejudicial perspective.
Other types of bias
Research bias is not limited to the survivorship bias, rather it is one of the types of research bias.Other common biases include:
1. Confirmation Bias:
– Tendency to select information that matches to pre-existing ideas and rejecting the other data that are not fitting.
2. Selection Bias:
– Coming up when the group of population studied is not the same as the whole population, leading to an undesirable result.
3. Publication Bias:
– While this seems to be a common practice, negative, inconclusive or even statistically insignificant results are usually omitted from the published literature, but can be equally informative for future research.
FAQ about The Survivorship Bias
1. How is survivorship bias playing a role in our decisions?
– Survivorship bias may be the cause of underestimating the chances of success, and also ignoring factors which contributed to failure. The result of these false decisions, in turn, can be misleading.
2. As for business and finance, does survivorship bias exist frequently?
– Indeed, survivorship bias is present in business and finance, often due to the fact that the ones that made it through are looked at without the ones that did not succeed.
3. Can survivorship bias be absolutely extirpated?
– Although zeroing it down may be very tough, awareness, careful research, and putting in constantly the thought of considering proper facts and figures will make it easier to diminish the survivorship bias to the minimum.
4. What makes the understanding of failures as well as successes a crucial part of the learning process?
– Knowing the reasons for failures contributes to the discovery of what really determine the success of any endeavor and, hence, helps one to make more objective decisions.
Eventually, the underlying problem of survivorship bias can be found, which is a cognitive bias that can mislead our perception of what is successful and what is not. To make the decisions fair, neutralizing its influence and incorporating all sorts of data is of utmost essence in all spheres of life. When we identify the invisible failures, we give to ourselves a more coherent and objective view of what is ahead.